Friday, June 20, 2008

KISS or why we need a second camera

So...ten girls and the "fairy" godmother and I are hopping around the forest looking for dwarfs, while my husband, my son and two VIP passes are at the KISS concert. I get a frantic phone call about every 10 minutes with updates from the concert hall and they all sound like this : "We just saw Paul Stanley and we don't have a camera!!!", "we just spoke to the KISS crew and couldn't take any pictures because we don't have a camera!!!", "we need the camera!". 

I had the camera since I had to take pictures of the birthday party. Birthday party is more important than KISS or is it? 

Daughter and I felt so bad that after the last party guest had left we drove to the concert hall, talked our way into the hall, walked past thousands and thousands of diehard KISS fans, handed the camera to a security guy and walked back out. Husband and son couldn't get the camera themselves since they had the best spot in the building, right in front of the stage and they were not about to let go of that spot.

We made our way back to the car and did notice everybody staring at us. Only then did I realize that Daughter was still wearing her red scarf with white dots and I wasn't really wearing KISS clothes either... 

Husband and son have been walking on a KISS cloud ever since. Paul Stanley signed husband's Iceman (a Paul Stanley designed guitar) and even taped guitar picks on the side, just like he does with the guitar he plays in concert. Needless to say, nobody can touch the guitar anymore. We can just admire it from afar. 

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