Friday, January 23, 2009

Dead Chicken

We are partial vegetarians. Meaning, we do eat poultry (all four of us) and fish (daughter and me.) The kids have never had beef or pork. It is rare that we do buy poultry and if we do, it is free roaming, happy chicken. Normally, it so expensive that the price alone will turn you into a vegetarian. 
Lately though, daughter has been wondering if she should go vegetarian all the way. She told me she wouldn't eat fish anymore but she was still unsure about cutting chicken out of her diet.
Last night, she asked me if I had some time since she had some serious issues to ponder. "Sure," I said, sitting down on her bed, "what is wrong?"

The problem she is having is, that till now, she believed that the chicken and turkey we eat roam freely at a farm. They are very happy animals and they live a full, happy life. They marry, have children and at one point, when they are ripe with very, very old age, so old, that they can barely walk around anymore, they drop dead. The farmer will come running out of his farm house, scoop up the lifeless chicken and, after pulling its feathers, sell it to the local health food store.
Now, I come by, see the ancient, dead chicken, buy it and cook it.

"Mom, " daughter pleads "tell me the chicken you buy died of old age. They didn't get killed. Right?"

We might have to become "real vegetarians" after all.            


1 comment:

Mandy @ Belle and Boo said...

Hello Nikella,
Thank you so much for reminding me that we were in the German magazine, we had been receiving quite a few orders from Germany & that explained it. It was such a rush before Christmas alot of things were forgotten. So a BIG thankyou they are sending us a copy.
pS Your family are gorgeous