Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Days and Bad Days

I had a bad day. Not just your usual, harmless bad day but a horrible day. It was one of those days that no matter what I did, or didn't do, nothing went smoothly. Thankfully, those days are very, very rare; I don't think I could take many of them.

It all started in the morning, little things that went wrong. A conversation I didn't want to have. Right then, I should have went home and gone back to bed but there was shopping to do, ballett and karate classes I had to bring the kids to. So, I kept on going and this is what I had achieved by 6pm:   

By 7pm I had realized that I had also lost my wedding band in between getting xrays at the hospital and going home.
Horrible day.

Looking back now, there are a few things that did go right in all this mess. Daughter and Son are fine. They were a bit shocked - an airbag in your face will do that to you - but otherwise they are ok. The other driver is ok even though her car is not. 
The police officers and ambulance drivers were incredibly nice and understanding. Daughter was even able to ride upfront in the ambulance, pushing bottons when needed.
And husband, my very, very patient husband, who came, saw and fixed everything that could be fixed.

The next morning I woke up to a normal day. I even found my wedding band again.


Dre said...

Oh no! Keep right on making the devil horns, maybe you should just stay like that for the next week or so; just don't do it around any Greeks!

corine said...

I'm glad for you THAT day is over. I hope you feel better soon.
corine/hidden in france