Tuesday, May 26, 2009

London On My Own

Work took me to London. For two afternoons, I was off in my favorite city. The weather was perfect - sunny and warm and I could do whatever I wanted. 

So I walked around Kensington. I visited all my favorite spots and found a few new ones.

I sat on an old park bench with a cup of coffee. Telling myself again that I would love for us to rent a flat here for a few months. Or even just a few weeks. Heck, even one week would do.  

But even though London was lovely as always, I must have missed husband and son and daughter very, very much. See the shopping bags? When I retured to my hotel, I noticed that every bag contained gifts for them. I had forgotten to buy something for myself!


Dre said...

I don't even know what store the bag with the picture of the kid on it is from; but I want to go!

corine said...

I would love to go to London, or anywhere on my own.. in fact I will be in NY on my own or practically. But the reality is that I will stat missing my family right away. Freedom of movement is a luxury when you're a mom, but when you can't share what you see with the people you love, it's almost wasted.

corine/hidden in france