Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The kids claim that our last day in Upper Bavaria was the best.
The sun was out, not one rain drop hit our heads and the "Blomberg" was calling us. The Blomberg is one of my favorite mountains...not too high, not too steep and with a little cabin on top to buy some drinks or ice-cream. The view on top is out of this world and on the half way mark back down, instead of walking you can take a slide.

Afterwards we drove to Bad Toelz, had a huge amount of ice-cream and even bigger amounts of cheese at the cheese festival. I am quite sure the kids took every single sample of cheese that was offered...goat cheese, fire cheese, cream cheese with wild flowers, they tried it all...

One last walk around the farmhouse, one more time petting the rabbits...

I am looking forward to coming back!

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