Tuesday, October 20, 2009


October has been a very busy month so far. I have been all over Europe...I must have seen at least 15 different airports. Lots of unique airlines...

Different planes ... this one is a Russian airplane. The area underneath the cockpit, with windows on the bottom used to be occupied by a human navigator who would lay there, look out of the windows and, with the help of maps, would tell the pilots where to fly:

One afternoon we ended up in Belgrad, which is not a city I am too fond of. It is nothing personal, it is just a city that doesn't really capture my heart. But I do know there are people who are very fond of it. One of them is a colleague, who made me change out of my uniform the moment we got to the hotel, exchange money and take a cab downtown.
There she went straight to beautiful, old coffee shop ...

...ordered coffee and cake for us and said: "There you go. What do you have to say about Belgrad now?!"

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