Tuesday, May 18, 2010

KISS in Zuerich

Husband's childhood dream was to talk to Gene Simmons and by talking I mean really talk, not just a quick "hello" or "I liked the show".
It took him a few years to actually fulfill this dream but few days ago he went to the Kiss concert in Zuerich, picked up his backstage pass and - had an actual conversation with Gene Simmons.
According to husband, this concert was the VERY, VERY best he ever attended and he has been walking on cloud nine ever since. The bass guitar in the first two pictures? Yep, that belongs to him now...because it is an "actual piece of art" and it is axe shaped and it is something we really needed!



Dre said...

Wait, he doesn't even play the bass does he? I mean I could get on his side if it was the instrument he actually plays! BTW, this was very, very impressive to a boy at our house! He also has a KISS obsession.... I really don't know from where!

Nikella said...

Yes, Gene Simmons plays the bass. How can you not know that?!!! :)

Amy M. said...

Wow! Great photos! Especially love the close-up of the shoes!

Crafting by Candlelight

Dre said...

Not Gene... the man that you love! I was trying to help him out. Like I did that time he brought home that NASCAR tire. Remember, I suggested you have a piece of glass cut and turn it into a coffee table? I still remember the look of disdain you gave me!

Nikella said...

That horrible tire! I had forgotten about that thing! He does play the bass, when he owns one, which he now does. By the way, he very much appreciates your help.