Sunday, July 27, 2008

Canoeing in the Donau

Last year a friend, who has tried every imaginable sportive activity, took husband and me canoeing. I was hestitant of trying it, considering I am not very athletic and get bored easily - but now I am so glad she talked me into it. The secret to canoeing is making sure your husband is in the same canoe as you are, picking a beautiful landscape to canoe in and bringing a delicious picknick! It isn't boring to say the least and husband makes sure we actually get there and don't tip over.

So last weekend we went with adventurous friend (she will try everything and you don't have to talk her into it either!) and the kids.

The reason the boys are looking so embarrassed are little girlish stars and fish on their life jackets. They tried their hardest to cover them up with their hands.

Daughter was just enjoying the landscape. Not much paddling there...

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