Saturday, July 19, 2008


I have noticed lately that it gets harder and harder to find shops that take me by surprise. It doesn't matter in which city I am, there they are: the Zaras, the Footlockers, the Ikeas...
the usual stuff. But once in a while I stumble upon a store that is different and new or has withstood the changes of time so long that it becomes special again.

Either way, one can see that the owners put a lot of love, time and ideas into their place. I, of course, often leave with full shopping bags and the hope that the newly discovered place will be still there the next time I stop by.

Delicious chocolates in funny forms and shapes at J.P. Peci, Avenue Notre Dame, Nice, France


corine said...

Hello there. So glad to discover your blog. Thanks for leaving a comment on mine. I wonder where you're blogging from. France? England? Here and there and everywhere? I guess I'm going to have to dig in your archives to find out : )

Nikella said...

Hi Corine,
Not from England and not from France, even though I visited Paris and Nice last week. I even took the red Lucky purse shopping there...:)